
Growing and bringing a baby into this world is a wonderful and special time. It is not without its challenges however, placing a large nutrient burden on the mother along with common pregnancy symptoms such nausea, fatigue, muscle cramps. Seeking out support for your nutrition is invaluable for yourself, as well as your baby for ensuring you are feeling your best as well as optimising the health of your baby


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  • Find out my favourites and which ones are NOT!

  • Key nutrients you need when trying to conceive or pregnant

The health of a mother has a huge impact on the health of the baby long into its adult life. By optimising your nutrition and gut health during pregnancy you have a chance to impact your child’s health for the better, by preventing allergies and asthma, preventing diabetes and obesity, and improving brain health all while in utero.

Other pregnancy conditions, Tess can help with include:

  • Prevention and treatment of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

  • Hyperemesis gravidum

  • Pre-eclampsia

  • Depression and Anxiety

  • Vaginal infection such as Group B Streptococcus, Thrush and Bacterial vaginosis

  • Thyroid conditions

  • Recurrent pregnancy loss and preterm birth

Post partum


Tess is deeply passionate about supporting a woman through her motherhood journey, from the early newborn days to teens.

She believes healthy, happy mums make a better world and loves to help you navigate the emotional and physical changes that occur from physiological as well as spiritual view.

Mothers have been left to believe they either need to be the “perfect Mother” or that motherhood is extremely hard and they just have to suffer through. I offer an alternative that sees you with the challenges motherhood brings, but also how this can be a time that brings immense growth and change for the better.

Hormonal shifts, nutritional deficiencies, broken sleep, and long days can place a huge burden on the mother leaving her depleted, however naturopathic medicine offers the perfect antidote through nutritional optimisation and herbal medicine to support you during this time.

As a working mother to two small children she understand the time constraints you are experiencing and offers small, achievable changes you can implement to help you and your family.